Mentoring and Coaching from Minority Ethnic Leadership Development Consortium
“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.”
We are working with partners to create a programme of development which includes eLearning, coaching and mentoring session.
Keep checking our website and social media channels for details.
“The aim of our MELD Consortium is to provide development, engagement and networking opportunities for minority ethnic people involved in public sector professions”.
Dr Sondra Butterworth
Dr Sondra Butterworth
Skills and Experience
Sondra began her professional career as a general nurse. She gain a PGCE ( Post Graduate Certificate in Education) and had is now a skilled educator. Sondra has developed her own career pathway from a nurse to a community health psychologist, she worked for many years in the health and social care sector.
RareQoL works closely with a number of universites and have provided work based experience for university students under our RISE programme: RareQoL Improving the Student Experience delivered in partnership with universities providing valuable work placement experience for health and social care and research students
Sondra has experience collaborating with community groups, charities, health, social care, and pharmaceutical industries. She knows the use of ethics and governance. She has achieved ethical approval for her research work. She is the creator/convenor of the annual EDIRA (Equality Diversity Inclusion Research Association) Conference, which promotes ethical approaches in research, particularly when involving people from minority ethnic backgrounds and underserved communities.
RareQoL has a track record of delivering stakeholder engagement and community research projects involving people living with rare diseases and underserved communities and has developed an inclusive and empowering community network where individuals, families, caregivers, and advocates come together to connect, support, and advocate for those underserved communities affected by rare diseases. RareQoL adopts the Human Rights FREDA Principles, (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity, and Autonomy) , which provide a framework for promoting ethical and inclusive research and data collection practices.
Our MELD Consortium includes ou RareQoL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, Humie Webbe.
Project Management
With an MBA in Project Management and a wealth of experience managing complex projects requiring high-level stakeholder engagement, Humie has managed projects with budgets of up to £3m and has a track record in completing complex projects that require multi-layered outcomes. Examples include the Cardiff Communities First Programme, which involved coordinating partnerships across the public, private, statutory and community sectors.
As the former Strategic Equality and Diversity Lead for the National Training Federation for Wales, Humie’s role was to work with the Work-based Learning providers to improve their strategies to increase the take-up of apprenticeships from disabled people and those from minority ethnic backgrounds and address the gender imbalance of learners taking up Health and Social Care frameworks.
Abdikarim Adan Skills and Experience Adbikarim Adan is the Director and Founder of Shining Care and has specific knowledge of the social care sector as a manager, potential provider, and user of services. Abdi has worked in the public, voluntary and community sectors for forty years, with experience in the local authority social care sector. As a former Advice Centre Director, Abdi understands the challenges around developing leadership skills and brings his considerable expertise in establishing development programmes for people from the Black Asian Minority Ethnic communities who lack skills and opportunities for employment. Abdi has developed Positive Action Training with Cardiff Council and the United Welsh Housing, resulting in more Somalis and Black, Asian and other Ethnic Minorities employment in front line Jobs. A founder of the Welsh Refugee Council, Abdi works with refugees and asylum seekers, providing them with advice and guidance regarding social services and employment. Abdi is a part-time Business Development Manager for the African Community Centre, providing him with valuable insight into the challenges of capacity-building minority ethnic communities and the barriers to them seeking higher-level employment. Abdi is currently undergoing the registration process for Shining Care to become a care agency and had a good understanding of the challenges of recruiting social care managers from minority ethnic communities. |